Your Finances

Should I Keep the House?

Divorce can shake you to your very foundations. Everything changes, and many people want to cling to the house as the only stability they find in a shifting world.

Whether keeping the house is your best option depends on many different factors. Here are what you need to consider in making that important decision.

How Financial Professionals Can Help During Divorce

Divorce is an uphill battle, fought in language you don’t understand, using money you can’t spare, for a prize that’s only half of what you had before. What can you do to make sure your newly-overhauled financial ship doesn’t sink?

What Is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst?

Nearly a million couples divorce each year in the U.S. and in the process, face some of the most important economic decisions of their lives. You may benefit greatly from the services of a financial professional trained to help you choose the best options for your future well-being—the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.

Choosing a Financial Professional for Help with Your Divorce

You’ve decided to seek the assistance of a financial professional to help guide you in your divorce process. Someone with specific training and experience in divorce, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, comes highly recommended by a trustworthy friend.

How do you determine if they are the right match for you?

Six Places to Look for Hidden Assets in Divorce

When couples divorce, mistrust abounds. One of the first things people think of when their spouse asks them for divorce is, he must have been stashing away money.

You know more about your financial situation than any stranger could, so before you hire a private eye to look for hidden funds, think carefully about your circumstances and how your spouse could have squirreled money away.

Saving Money On Divorce

Many divorces these days are nasty, brutish, and all too long, not to mention damned expensive. With the average cost of divorce in the United States approaching $20,000 it is daunting to think about dissolving your marriage. Fortunately there are things you can do to save money on divorce, even if you are working with an attorney.

Social Security Benefits for a Divorced Spouse

The former spouse of an employee who is getting retirement or disability benefits is entitled to a benefit on his record if she is at least 62 years old and they had been married for at least ten years before the divorce.