Divorce Care Tip Sheet

Tip SheetMany of you Workshop Leaders have heard us sing the praises of connecting with your local Divorce Care Groups.  Divorce Care is a national, religious-based support recovery group that helps individuals navigate the divorce process from a spiritual perspective.

While Divorce Care will not officially “partner” with another non-profit at the national level, many Second Saturday Workshops have successfully engaged local Divorce Care groups in providing referrals to Second Saturday.  The key is in explaining that what we offer is “supplemental” to what they offer, and that we absolutely do not advocate divorce; we advocate education.  And, that we have had plenty of attendees who come to Second Saturday, then go home to work on their marriage – we are very proud of that!

Note:  Many churches also have divorce support groups that are not affiliated with Divorce Care, and local communities are FULL of divorce “MeetUp” groups.  Use the below strategies in approaching as many of these organizations as you possibly can.  Remember: you are a volunteer bringing a much-needed service to the community!

Keep in mind that there is nothing like a personal contact – on phone or in person. 

Here’s the approach: 

  • Google your local Divorce Care chapter(s)
  • Find the name/email/phone of the head person(s).
  • Call them directly – if you are lucky enough to get them, make this script your own.
  • “Hi, I’m so and so, and I’ve heard amazing things about Divorce Care. I’m a volunteer bringing a national non-profit educational divorce workshop called “Second Saturday” to our community and we believe your group can be a huge help to many of our attendees. I would like to pick up a supply of brochures about your program, if you have them available. Also, may I take a moment to share what we do, as other Divorce Cares in different states are embracing our program and finding it incredibly valuable?


Is this a good time? (if “yes,” keep going, if “no,” ask for a better time).  They may ask you for an email, which we will address later.

Assuming they let you talk, continue with these points: 

  • While Second Saturday is not a faith-based program, like you, we are deeply concerned about those in crisis, and have a team of experts in divorce to share critical, relevant facts that can make a HUGE difference for your members.
  • Second Saturday is a non-profit monthly workshop that has been going for over one quarter century, that offers essential information about the legal, financial and emotional aspects of divorce in a non-biased, compassionate way
  • It is presented by VOLUNTEER professionals with expertise in divorce
  • It was founded by WIFE.org, the nation’s longest running non-profit devoted to female financial literacy.
  • WIFE.org does not advocate divorce – we advocate literacy. In fact, many attendees come to our workshop, go home and decide to work on their marriages – with more knowledge!
  • We would like to “serve” Divorce Care members by sharing Second Saturday, and “serve” SS attendees with information about Divorce Care. (note – reciprocity is KEY).
  • WIFE has donated all the fees collected for SS back into the community, raising upwards of $350,000, earning them the prestigious KPBS Heroes award, and honoring them as part of National Women’s History Month, 2013. [Optional: If you have chosen to donate all or a portion of the fees collected from your workshops back to WIFE.org’s charitable endeavors, mention that here]
  • (Optional) In fact, we feel so strongly that our program will serve your members, we will offer FREE attendance to the first ten people Divorce Care sends to Second Saturday, so, if they want, these people can share the value SS brings with Divorce Care. (Note: those first ten are key as they will report back to the Divorce Care leader and refer others). [This sounds like a really hard sell – either tone it down a lot, saying “In recognition of the work that you are doing, we will offer ….” or say that we’d love to have representatives from Divorce Care attend a SS session to see how it is conducted] 
  • I think it’s important and helpful to meet in person, and would love to personally bring you some written materials.
  • Toss in, “It’s especially important to raise awareness now, as we are heading into the holidays, which are extremely difficult for anyone who is in a challenged marriage. In fact, January is the busiest divorce month of the year.  We want to do our best to help everyone we can – before they make decisions that could have a significant, negative impact on their family – legally, financially and emotionally.”
  • Set up a date to meet in person.  Ask if there is anyone else from their organization who they think might be served in participating in the meeting.
  • When you arrive at the meeting, be armed with at least 100 flyers and your iPad or computer.

At the meeting: 

  • Let them know how excited you are that they exist as a community resource, especially for your attendees
  • On your iPad or computer, go to WIFE.org and SecondSaturday.com with them and share all about Candace and Ginita – national advocates, experts, thought leaders
  • Show them the materials you’ve brought for them to hand out
  • Ask them for materials YOU can hand out
  • Ask if they’d like to sit in at one of your workshops, letting them know you will introduce them as a resource
  • Leave your flyers, with a big thank you
  • FOLLOW UP with a personalized, “thank you” email
  • Send them email reminders a week before Second Saturday – always with a personal note.
  • Be patient – it may be a month or even two, but they will send you referrals – and those referrals will send referrals.


If they’ve asked you to email them information, your whole goal is still to set up an in-person meeting.

Here is template language:

Dear so and so,

Thank you for the opportunity to share information about the non-profit workshop, “Second Saturday: What Women [or People] Need to Know About Divorce.”  I am especially excited to let you know (if you haven’t already) that so many local Divorce Care groups are already working with Second Saturdays around the country, and find the information we provide to be incredibly valuable as a supplement to your program.

Leaders: if they ask where, you can say Arizona and some others; you are happy to get back with them with additional locations.

Our intention is to serve your members, and we are equally inspired to share Divorce Care with our attendees, especially with the holidays right around the corner, as this can be such a difficult time for so many.   Here are some helpful facts:

  • Second Saturday has been successfully helping individuals navigate the challenges of divorce since 1988, and is part of WIFE.org, the nation’s oldest non-profit devoted to female financial literacy. Our workshop offers critical information about the legal, financial and emotional aspects of divorce in a non-biased, compassionate way.
  • It is presented by volunteer professionals with expertise in divorce – a counselor, a financial professional and an attorney [not necessarily these three for everyone’s workshop]
  • Second Saturday/WIFE.org does not advocate divorce – we advocate literacy. In fact, many attendees come to our workshop, go home and decide to work on their marriages – with more knowledge!
  • Please visit SecondSaturday.com and WIFE.org to learn more.

(Optional) In recognition of the work that you are doing, I am happy to offer the first ten Divorce Care members free attendance.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet in person and share more.  What would be the most convenient date and time?

Kind regards,



Once you are “in,” there may be opportunity to share with more local Divorce Care members through their newsletters or correspondence.

For more information from Leaders who are successfully working with Divorce Care, please email Darcy Childs and Iris Look, at SecondSaturdayAZ@gmail.com.

Thank you!

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