Checklist: Living Separately Under the Same Roof

Have you and your spouse decided to get a divorce but are still living in the same house? There may be compelling reasons to do so — you can’t afford separate places, you want to maintain a stable family situation for your children, proximity to your place of employment, etc.

Your date of separation has legal implications in many states. It can be tricky proving that you are really separated if, for family or economic reasons, you are still living together in the same house.

Here is a checklist of what you should do if you and your spouse are still living together but are separated.

  • Establish and maintain the intent to separate permanently or indefinitely.
  • Use separate bedrooms.
  • Do not engage in romantic or sexual intimacy.
  • Stop wearing wedding rings.
  • Don’t shop for your spouse’s food, prepare his meals, or shop for his clothing and other necessities.
  • Don’t let your spouse shop for you, and don’t use his food or other purchases.
  • Do not eat meals together, except for special occasions such as holidays or children’s birthdays.
  • Make each spouse responsible for caring for their own space within the home, such as a bedroom.
  • Make each spouse responsible for doing their own laundry.
  • Use a separate and secure computer.
  • Use a separate and secure telephone/cell phone for personal and business calls.
  • Establish separate checking accounts.
  • Cease socializing together, e.g., do not attend parties, movies, theater, etc. together.
  • Do not attend church together.
  • Where there are minor children, interact as parents only where strictly necessary from the children’s perspective and their well-being, e.g., meeting with school officials. If you both attend your child’s game, don’t sit together.
  • Don’t give gifts to your spouse for birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, Valentine’s Day, etc.
  • Let close associates and relatives know that you are not living as man and wife, but are separated within the residence.
  • Have a third party come to the home from time to time to personally observe the two spouses’ separate and distinct living quarters (bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.).
  • Utilize separate entrances to residence if feasible.
  • Be prepared to explain why you are living separately under the same roof, e.g., financial considerations; unavailability of separate residence; easing children’s transition to parental separation, etc.
infographic of information in blog

273 thoughts on “Checklist: Living Separately Under the Same Roof”

  1. My husband and I have been married 8 years now, living in separate rooms for 6 years now. We are great friends, but the marriage is horrible, we don’t fight, but I just don’t love hïm, bottom line, if your friends, yes you can live together as roomates, until one person is ready to move on or out. Specialy if there are children involved. I have several friends living the same way, friendship is the key! And even if one or both people start dating, you NEVER bring the date home. Again, specialy if there are children involve. Mine is only 6, and I don’t ever want her to go through something she cant even process. So, yes you can still be married, separated and live in same house. My husband pays all the bills, we go out as family, sometimes alone, until one of us moves on, however long that takes. Frienship, Friendship, Friendship is key to being in a peaceful, and loving home.

    1. Hello Sandra. This was great to read. My wife and I are going through something very similar. We are best friends and can talk for ages. We never fight or argue but feel that the spark in the marriage is over. We can’t afford for 1 person to move out and also have young children 7 and 4. It’s good to hear a story where this has worked out.

  2. Does anyone have advice on living this way, due to finances, but wanting to date other people? I do not plan to live this way forever, but right now I am the only person working and I am paying his way through college. I cant kick him out, because he cant afford to live anywhere else. However, we sleep in seperate rooms of the house and I have voice many times that I want a divorce. I would like to move on with my life while we are stuck in this arrangement. Does any one have any experience with this. Thanks

    1. Yes Jess I have the same as you but my husband has been with me for 23 years, but like you i can’t kick him out. He has nowhere to go. He also stays in his own room. I pay for the bills food mortgage everything as he has excessive gambling debts that he has to pay off. The house is going in my name and he is purely there until he can afford to live independently which is probably a bit of a way off. I find it hard going, trying to be civil and have to try and live my life around it. You will be fine. Do you have some support? Get out of the house at least once a week with a friend just for your own space. Good luck

      1. I understand if someone is sick as in a disability.. you would want them to stay… but if their is a gambling or acholoic situation.. they need to leave! Don’t take care of them.. you are killing yourself! Children are resilient they know what is happening.. when you stay in a bad relationship you are teaching them to stay in a bad relationship.. thank God my children are adults… save your self get them out or you get out …

    2. In Pennsylvania you are entitled to a portion – up to half His annual salary for the duration of his life, provided you supported him through his educational years. This info from a friend who put her soon to be ex husband through medical school

  3. Marykimm sheehan

    My husband is ill has been for about 3 years now. We have lived in the same house seperate rooms since his illness. I work full time. He can’t. He worked most of his life but very little on the books. Therefore he can not get disability and I male to much for him to get SSI so I am footing the bill for everything including his medications out of pocket. He rarely leaves the home unless we go out for dinner. I live my life seperately go to the gym see friends and so on. He has no family but me can we file for a legal seperation for him to get some financial help? Or would we have to live apart ? We live in NY he has end stage liver disease and will need a transplant. Our home is paid for and in myname only. I need some gujdence please.

    1. I don’t know anything regarding what is required to get financial assistance in New York, perhaps under New York’s Medicaid rules. You’ll have to find an attorney there who is familiar with Medicaid or get information directly from the State.

  4. My husband threw me out of the house because sometimes I do not agree with his opinion. What do I do in this situation? Now I am homeless and I have no money and I am no young.

          1. My husband and I have been together for 20yrs and married for 11yrs. He is very abusive verbally and physically, he controls everything. I’m unemployed and he works, he just told me that he no longer wants to be with me and I have to find a way to pay all the bills as of right now. We don’t speak to each other but we sleeps in the same bed. I asked him to leave and he said no and I’m not leaving because I will be homeless. There is no talking to him period, he said if I have him removed from the apartment, he will destroy everything including me. Someone please tell me what should I do. I love him and I want to make it work but I don’t believe in forgiveness. I didn’t cheat or nothing like that. I just constantly make mistakes because he be on my heels about every little thing.

          2. You should seek legal advice right away. He likely has a duty to support you, and an attorney can tell you how the laws work in your state.

  5. My husband and I are considering a seperation. Our issue is he has no where to move to. The apartment we rent is from my mother. He has a daughter from a prior relationship and we have a daughter together, whom both live with us. We want it to be really easy for our daughters. We would like to continue to live in the same home for the children. Since we will not be together anymore how do we go about taxes, medical care for my daughter? We’ve been married for almost 3 years, and are very fit to be friends. We just argue to much as married.

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