Second Saturday

Pre-Workshop Survey + Post-Workshop Evaluation

One of the ways we gauge the success of a workshop is to measure the anxiety level of the participants as they enter the workshop and as they leave. I’ve attached a copy of the pre-workshop survey along with the post-workshop-evaluation sheet which includes the same anxiety questions.

Divorce Care Tip Sheet

Many of you Workshop Leaders have heard us sing the praises of connecting with your local Divorce Care Groups. Divorce Care is a national, religious-based support recovery group that helps individuals navigate the divorce process from a spiritual perspective.

Red Zone

Second Saturday programs help women in need and can be a ‘huge feeder’ for advisors’ businesses, Candace Bahr says Second Saturday workshops present essential financial, legal and emotional information in a non-biased and compassionate way. They were founded by, the nation’s longest-running, most trusted non-profit devoted to female financial literacy, and have now rolled out …

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Rosemary Frank
Nashville Tennessee

“Second Saturday has a mission, which I share, to educate and empower those going through one of life’s most debilitating experiences. Divorce incapacitates even the strongest among us and this program enables me to provide a lifeline to people when they need it most. I, through the Second Saturday program, am able to offer insight and direction to a process that otherwise seems confusing and incomprehensible.” –Rosemary Frank

Warming Up Your Audience

Your attendees are walking in with worry, desperation and downright angst in their faces. The truth is that they are terrified – but you can help them through their fears. Here are some tips that have worked for us over the years.

Tip Sheet: Pitching Second Saturday to the Media

Leveraging the Halo Effect of All members of the media will respond far more to a non-profit pitch than one from someone in financial services – as will your Second Saturday attendees.

Tip Sheet: Converting Attendees Into Clients

In the truest of virtuous circles, there are many ways to leverage Second Saturday into building your business. This month’s tip sheet synopsizes the many tried and true ideas for doing this from leaders around the country.

Tip Sheet: Filling the Seats at Your Workshop

The biggest question we’ve gotten over the years from other Second Saturday Leaders is, ‘How do we fill the seats?’

After almost twenty-six years of helping almost ten thousand individuals in our flagship workshop and raising nearly $300,000 for the San Diego community we’ve consolidated ‘tricks of the trade’ that will help build your audience every single month.