Candace Bahr

Candace Bahr, formerly a partner in a Carlsbad, California wealth management firm, is co-founder of the non-profit Women’s Institute for Financial Education,, sponsor of the acclaimed Second Saturday divorce workshop called “What Women Need to Know About Divorce.” With a career that spans more than three decades, Candace is known nationally as an advocate for women’s financial independence. As a trusted financial guide, she has enhanced the lives of thousands of people through her non-profit endeavors. Candace has received recognition for her achievements from Investment News, KPBS, the North County Times, the San Diego Business Journal, Soroptimist International, and National Register’s Who’s Who. An accomplished and dynamic speaker, Candace enjoys motivating a variety of audiences to take charge of their financial lives. Corporate seminars (e.g. Hewlett Packard, 1st Pacific Bank, and Nordstrom) have given her the platform to reach and empower thousands of people. In addition to her corporate lectures, she speaks to charitable groups and foundations when time allows. Candace co-authored the book, It’s More Than Money—It’s Your Life! The New Money Club for Women (John Wiley and Sons, 2004). The North County Times Newspaper ran her weekly finance column, It’s Your Life, on the front page of their business section for over four years. Candace also wrote a monthly financial column for Décor & Style magazine for almost a decade. She was featured weekly on CNN Local Headline News and a weekly Women & Money segment on KUSI TV. Candace is widely quoted in women’s magazines as well as The New York Times, Fortune, Bloomberg, and Money Magazine. She has appeared on MSNBC, CNBC and NBC Nightly News. Candace Bahr received her degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She has lived and worked in the San Diego area with her husband and business partner, John Baranowski, for more than 30 years. Their daughter Carrie is a successful architectural designer in Los Angeles.

The Kids Are Just Fine

How much do parents need to worry that divorce will have a long term negative effect on their children? Fortunately, far less than you think. Research shows that the vast majority of children weather divorce safely.

Comfort for Kids Dealing with Divorce

How does divorce look from a child’s point of view? Even if life has not been rosy at home for some time, children may be very afraid of what the end of their parents’ marriage will mean for them.

Helping Children Adjust to Divorce

What can you do to lessen the long lasting effects your divorce will have on your children? Over a million children experience the divorce of their parents each year, and the trauma usually begins with distress in the home long before there is an actual separation and divorce.

What to Tell the Kids When You Divorce

It’s normal for parents to feel uncertain about how to give their children the right support through divorce or separation. Although it may be unknown territory, you can help your kids emerge from it feeling loved, confident, and strong.